Future of Mobile App Development

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It’s great to keep an eye on the mobile app market. It has grown significantly during the past ten years, and it will probably keep expanding. What does the future of developing mobile apps hold? What can we expect in light of the current state of the market and our understanding of how it has changed over the previous several decades?

We explore several significant emerging themes that we believe will have an impact on the development of mobile applications in the near future.

Cross-device and Cross-platform Development:

We frequently choose iOS, Android, and to a much lesser extent, Windows Mobile when it comes to mobile platforms. Android aims for global dominance by offering smartphones at lower price points, even as iOS retains a solid hold on the high-end market and shows no indications of losing their premium position. Windows Mobile is expanding, but not quickly enough. The platform conflicts appear to have come to a halt. It doesn’t appear that a new rival will emerge very soon in the field of mobile app development.

It is generally difficult to create apps that function well across a variety of platforms and devices, and this situation cannot exist. There is no “one size fits all” method for creating mobile apps, although cross-platform mobile development tools will become more popular. As HTML5 develops and matures, Mobile App Development will increasingly rely on it to create hybrid mobile apps that function effectively on a variety of platforms and devices.

IoT Mobile App Development:

The development of mobile applications won’t be limited to our smartphones and tablets in the future. A day when cloud computing will fuel the “Smart-Everything” movement and when our smart gadgets will no longer exist in isolation is coming. Despite the fact that present efforts aren’t yet producing results, mobile app development for the Internet of Things will grow even more in the near future.

We are seeing a movement away from phones and tablets due to the rising popularity of Android and the elegant 2015 launch of the Apple Watch into the smart watch market. The actual potential of wearable technology is something that we are just starting to seriously consider. Wearables are only one of the product categories that the Internet of Things supports.

Tools for Developers:

Are developers building tools so that developers may create even more tools? Sounds like a geeky remake of the film Inception, except with the Big Bang Theory cast instead. More developers will provide specialized tools for developers in the future of mobile app development. The market for tools for creating mobile applications is already seeing considerable growth. Strong tools are more popular, particularly cross-platform tools that make it simpler for developers to create mobile apps.

From cloud servers to app analytics, there are third-party solutions for practically every stage of a mobile developer’s process. Mobile Back-end as a Service, is one of the top trends in development tools right now to pay close attention. MBaaS is a popular, quickly growing industry. It is a relatively new kind of cloud service that enables developers to connect and control the back-end of their mobile apps through the cloud. Certainly, it will become more prevalent in mobile app development in the future, which is most likely to be dominated by the cloud.

Rapid Development:

The mobile app development will focus on reducing product life cycles in the future. This is related to the growth of third-party solutions designed to reduce the hard work that is now being done by mobile developers.

The yearly release of numerous apps renders the mobile app market a race against the clock. Businesses are always pressing developers to release apps as soon as possible. Brilliant app ideas must be implemented sooner rather than later for fear that a rival may cover the market vacuum before you do.

Business Apps:

Enterprise apps rather than consumer apps will offer the best prospects in the future of mobile app development. Why? Simply, it’s far more difficult to extract money from the customer. Businesses are much more prepared to part with their money, if the product offers them more productivity and lower total expenses.
